Government Communications
(United Kingdom)

GCHQ- Government Communications Headquarters- is the United Kingdom's (and the European Union's) counterpart to the National Security Agency (NSA) in the United States.

Commonly referred to as, "her Majesty's doughnut", GCHQ is Europe's most powerful intelligence gathering agency. Located in Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, England, the massive 176 acre centre, 1.1 million square foot building, lies approximately 90 miles northwest of London.

The chamber located underneath the interior courtyard houses a highly sosphisticated supercomputer centre; an 1850 mile, 1 billion pound, network of fiber optik cable that monitors e-mail and telephone calls from around the world.

Simply put, GCHQ is the United Kingdom's (and the European Union's) premiere electronic eavesdropping facility. The jargon used to define this activity is known as signals and communications intelligence, that is, the collection, sifting, decryption, analysis and linguistic deciphering of international electronic communications.

GCHQ, in collusion with other signals intelligence agencies in the United States (National Security Agency), Canada (Communications Security Establishment), Australia (Defense Signals Directorate) and New Zealand (Government Communications Security Bureau)- otherwise known as the Anglo-American/Anglo-Saxon UKUSA intelligence alliance- is believed to be responsible for the operation of a global surveillance network known as ECHELON. With a vast planetary array of strategically placed "listening posts", ECHELON is capable of capturing, intercepting and monitoring the lion's share of the world's internet, e-mail, telephone (both land and cellular), fax, radio and electromagnetic communications traffic. Specifically targeted are the international telecommunications satellites orbiting the Earth, through which tens of thousands of phone calls, faxes and e-mails are relayed daily.

The United Kingdom's (and the European Union's) biggest and most expensive intelligence gathering agency, GCHQ, along with its chief counterpart in the UKUSA alliance, the NSA (USA), together constitute a dictatorial intelligence, surveillance and commercial monopoly in the area of information collection, storage, analysis and police state profiling of individuals and business enterprises worldwide. A bonanza for the military-industrial-corporate espionage/intelligence complex, GCHQ and the NSA provide the informational and knowledge-based backbone through which the New World Order exercises its raw 'power' in temporal geo-political affairs.

Under the guise of fighting the so-called "war on terror", combating weapons proliferation and gathering economic intelligence, institutions such as GCHQ and the NSA are, in reality, operating a highly intrusive Big Brother Police State Surveillance Empire that is being used to specifically monitor the activities of genuine political opposition and dissent, as well as undermine the privacy, freedom and constitutional civil liberties of targeted peoples and nations throughout the world.

Specially installed "black box" software at internet access points, controlled and monitored remotely by such government security agencies, is only one example of the pro-active, pre-emptive police state surveillance practices that are being employed today to suppress opposition and criminalize freedom of speech amongst internet activists.

Identification technologies such as video surveillance, biometrics and national ID cards will undoubtedly find their way into the sprawling informational GCHQ/NSA vortex, eventually rendering all personal, communal, commercial, economic, and political control to the State- a system of absolute tyranny that can only be labeled as 'global slavery'.

Steve Jones
London, England
European Union


1. GCHQ- Government Communications Headquarters
Hubble Rd, Cheltenham, Glos, GL51 0EX, United Kingdom
European Union
Website: http://www.gchq.gov.uk

2. National Security Agency
Ft George G Meade, Maryland 20755 USA
Website: http://www.nsa.gov

3. Federation of American Scientists
1717 'K' St- NW, #209
Washington, DC 20036 USA
Website MAIN: http://www.fas.org
UK Intelligence Agencies: http://www.fas.org/irp/world/uk

4. ***Books- The Puzzle Palace AND Body of Secrets
by James Bamford
Website SEARCH: http://www.amazon.com

5. Interception Capabilities 2000
by Duncan Campbell
Website: http://www.iptvreports.mcmail.com/interception_capabilities_2000.htm

6. ***Book- Secret Power: New Zealand's Role in the International Spy Network
by Nicky Hager
Website: http://www.fas.org/irp/eprint/sp

7. ***Book- No Place to Hide
by Robert O'Harrow
Website SEARCH: http://www.amazon.com

8. WIRED Magazine
660 3rd St- 1st Floor
San Francisco, California 94107 USA
Website: http://www.wired.com

9. Echelon: Exposing the Global Surveillance System
Website: http://jya.com/echelon.htm

10. Big Brother State Surveillance: GCHQ and the NSA
Website: http://www.bilderberg.org/strigas.html

11. New International Intelligence Regime
Website: http://www.geocities.com/muhammedislam8/regime.html

12. Covert Action Quarterly
1500 Massachussetts Ave- #732
Washington, DC 20005 USA
Website: http://www.covertactionquarterly.org

13. State Watch
P.O. Box 1516
London, United Kingdom, N16 0EW
European Union
Website: http://www.statewatch.org

14. Guardian Newspaper
119 Farringdon Rd
London, United Kingdom, EC1R 3ER
European Union
Website: http://www.guardian.co.uk

15. The Omega Agency
Website: http://www.abovetopsecret.com/pages/omega.html

16. Europol
Raamweg 47, NL-2596 HN, The Hague
The Netherlands
European Union
Website: http://www.europol.eu.int

17. ***Book- Deep Black: Espionage and National Security
by William Burrows
Website SEARCH: http://www.amazon.com

URL of this site: http://echelin.50megs.com