The Rising BEAST of Revelations
I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea,
having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his
heads the name of blasphemy"
-Revelations 13:1
Here she
comes...up from the deep...the dreaded "Beast" of Revelations.
Ready to make her debut in the European Union (EU), the planned center for
eventual world government...
Currently, the diabolocially wicked and insidiously evil political, economic,
military and corporate forces within the United States of America, are
providing the technical, strategic, legal, logistical (and theological)
foundations for the rising European BEAST empire to finially emerge on the
world stage.
After America has run its course, Europe will reign as master and commander on
In the interim, the US (inter)national security establishment (military,
intelligence, communications, financial, media etc...) will remain the PRIMARY
arm that the International Elite will use to bring about their one world
corporate empire.
Already, as of 2004, $400 billion dollars annually is being pumped into the US
Military-Industrial-Complex to build a global human control and surveillance
society- a new global "4th reich"- that will be used to control the
masses and force Man into TOTAL subservience and submission to the State.
The economic control portion of this system will culminate into what is known
as the "Mark of the Beast". It is already here and functioning,
albeit in its infancy with the move towards digitial cash and an eventual
cashless money system.
The arrest, detainment and persecution of all those who oppose this system will
occur and intensify as the "Beast" goes online in the immediate years
ahead. Especially targeted will be so-called "Christians" in the
developed world, since they are the most organized, potent and embedded form of
resisitance to the New World Order. The distorted principles and values of
today's Christianity, which in large part is steeped in absolute hypocrisy,
idolatry and blasphemy, are the spiritual underpinnings of governments and
corporations worldwide who have destroyed our planet (note the past tense).
These apostates are also those chiefly responsible for mocking GOD, rejecting
HIS covenant (The
SIGN), and persecuting
HIS messenger for this generation- a SIN for which they will ALL lose their
heads- as decreed by Almighty Yahweh.
Jonas the
North Shore, Oahu
Hawaii, USA